Wooden memory game – Birds of Europe with educational cards





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From PLN 299

Age: Toys for 3-Year-Olds, Toys for 5-Year-Olds, Toys for 7-Year-Olds
Touch System

Birds of Europe
is an educational game consisting of 15 pairs of wooden memorials with our original graphics. Among the illustrated species are both well-known ones like the pheasant or the black-headed gull, those less common like the crake or the hoopoe, and those living on remote islands like the puffin.

Forestry education in your home? Why not! Complementing the memorials are education cards, on which the most important information about each animal was collected. Did you know that the myotis is the smallest bird in Europe and the peregrine falcon is the fastest bird in the world? It’s time to discover the fascinating world of birds and observe in the field the species we present.

Supporting children’s development through play, as encouraged by the Montessori method, allows them to acquire knowledge in a particular area, as well as to train the necessary skills. Social competence, language skills or the ability to learn are very important for any toddler. How do you play wisely with your child? You can find answers to this question in 5 suggestions for play scenarios, attached to our memorials. Creating game proposals, we tried to make the toy grow with the child, to be attractive both for a 3-year-old and for children already going to school.


The memory game helps to shape, in particular: concentration, memory, visual perception, eye-hand coordination, and speech and communication. Did you know that:
  1. Concentration is the ability to focus on something specific. It can be a task being performed, a particular object or instructions given by a teacher. Concentration ensures children’s proper development and is essential at each stage of their education.
  2. The mind of a young child is like a sponge. Several-year-olds absorb a lot of new words and information in no time at all, which allows them to familiarise themselves with their surroundings. In order for this process to run smoothly, continuous memory training is essential.
  3. Visual perception allows a child to know and understand the world around him, and is essential for further education when learning to read, write and count. At first, the child, playing with several pieces with different pictures, has to focus his eyes on them and make judgments about what he sees, such as colors, shapes, similarities and differences. This is an introduction to more advanced analysis, which, among other things, forms the basis for logical thinking.
  4. Visuomotor coordination enables precision of movement. It is essential for everyday activities – from independent eating or dressing up, drawing or writing to physical activity. Eye-hand coordination additionally requires training of the child’s hands and fingers, i.e. fine motor skills.
  5. Speech and effective communication are the basis of everyday life in the family and are indispensable for the development of social skills. They allow children to express their thoughts and feelings and to understand what others want to communicate.

Previous lowest price was 119.00 .

Fun proposal

Animals walk in pairs, or learning the names of birds – number of players 2-4, suggested age: 3+

The aim of the game is to learn and consolidate the names of the birds found in Europe, pictured on our memorials. The first step is to look carefully at the cards of the animals, trying to remember their names and characteristic features (such as the black and white stripes on the wings and the distinctive tip on the head in the hoopoe). Then the memoranda should be turned with the pictures facing up, mixed up and spread out in any way you like. In a fixed order, players give each other tasks to find 2 specific animals (e.g., the person starting the game gives the task to the person sitting on the left to find a pheasant and a lapwing). The player who has found the memorabilia with the sought-after birds places them next to each other, and then indicates to the next person which animals to look for (note: when giving the task of looking for specific animals, choose only those that have not yet been taken). The same steps are repeated by subsequent players until the elements are finished. In this version of the game, everyone wins, regardless of the number of birds collected.


  • The game can be modified by setting tasks to find a pair of a given animal (e.g., the player is looking for 2 cranes) or to find two different animals (as in the version described above);
  • The difficulty level of the game can be modified depending on the number of pairs used in a given game; it is possible to use both all 30 elements and 15 (in which case a given bird will appear in the game only once);
  • The game can be modified by introducing tasks to find a different number of animals, e.g., a player looks for only 1 bird in a given turn;
  • The game can be made even more interesting by introducing the rule of priority of movement, e.g. the game begins with the person who was the last to see a bird, this person tells about the encounter (e.g. what the bird looked like, where and when it was observed).

For more play ideas, see the booklet accompanying the toy or visit our Facebook and Instagram pages.